1 OInfo11 Control 3 Item 4 Value 6 = 7 %1 = %2 8 Unknown 9 Unknown error occurred retrieving information from %s. 10 Normal 11 Global 12 Attached 13 %s KB 14 Yes 15 No 16 Normal view 17 Outline view 18 Print view 19 Print preview 20 Master view 21 Web view 22 Main text 23 Footnotes 24 Endnotes 25 Comments 26 Text frame 27 Even pages header 28 Primary header 29 Even pages footer 30 Primary footer 31 First page header 32 First page footer 33 Template 34 Document type = %s 35 Has password 36 Has routing slip 37 Master document 38 Subdocument 39 Protected for revisions 40 Protected for comments 41 Protected for form fields 42 Read only 43 Read only recommended 44 Password required to modify 45 Save format = %s 46 Document Template 47 Text Only 48 Text Only with Line Breaks 49 MS-DOS Text 50 MS-DOS Text with Line Breaks 51 Rich Text Format 52 Unicode Text 53 HTML Document 54 Draft view 55 Full screen view 56 primary header 57 first page header 58 even pages header 59 primary footer 60 first page footer 61 even pages footer 62 footnotes 63 endnotes 64 current page header 65 current page footer 66 Editing %s 67 Empty 68 Ref 69 IndexEntry 70 FootnoteRef 71 Set 72 If 73 Index 74 TOCEntry 75 StyleRef 76 RefDoc 77 Sequence 78 TOC 79 Info 80 Title 81 Subject 82 Author 83 KeyWord 84 Comments 85 LastSavedBy 86 CreateDate 87 SaveDate 88 PrintDate 89 RevisionNum 90 EditTime 91 NumPages 92 NumWords 93 NumChars 94 FileName 95 Template 96 Date 97 Time 98 Page 99 Expression 100 Quote 101 Include 102 PageRef 103 Ask 104 FillIn 105 Data 106 Next 107 NextIf 108 SkipIf 109 MergeRec 110 DDE 111 DDEAuto 112 Glossary 113 Print 114 Formula 115 GoToButton 116 MacroButton 117 AutoNumOutline 118 AutoNumLegal 119 AutoNum 120 Import 121 Link 122 Symbol 123 Embed 124 MergeField 125 UserName 126 UserInitials 127 UserAddress 128 BarCode 129 DocVariable 130 Section 131 SectionPages 132 IncludePicture 133 IncludeText 134 FileSize 135 FormTextInput 136 FormCheckBox 137 NoteRef 138 TOA 139 TOAEntry 140 MergeSeq 141 Private 142 Database 143 AutoText 144 Compare 145 Addin 146 Subscriber 147 FormDropDown 148 Advance 149 DocProperty 150 OCX 151 Hyperlink 152 AutoTextList 153 ListNum 154 HTMLActiveX 155 Microsoft Office 11 219 Odd/Even headers & footers 220 Different first page 221 Range 222 Shape 223 InlineShape 224 Form letters 225 Mailing labels 226 Envelopes 227 Catalog 228 New document 229 Printer 230 Email 231 Fax 232 Normal document 233 Main document only 234 Main and data source 235 Main and header 236 Main, source and header 237 Data source 238 No merge info 239 Word 240 Access DDE 241 Excel DDE 242 MSQuery DDE 243 ODBC 244 None 245 Next 246 Previous 247 First 248 Last 249 Connect string: %s 250 Header source name: %s 251 In first header 252 In first footer 253 In header 254 In footer 255 In odd header 256 In odd footer 257 In even header 258 In even footer 259 10 x 14 260 11 x 17 261 Letter 262 Letter Small 263 Legal 264 Executive 265 A3 266 A4 267 A4 Small 268 A5 269 B4 270 B5 271 CSheet 272 DSheet 273 ESheet 274 Fanfold Legal German 275 Fanfold Std German 276 Fanfold US 277 Folio 278 Ledger 279 Note 280 Quarto 281 Statement 282 Tabloid 283 Envelope 9 284 Envelope 10 285 Envelope 11 286 Envelope 12 287 Envelope 14 288 Envelope B4 289 Envelope B5 290 Envelope B6 291 Envelope C3 292 Envelope C4 293 Envelope C5 294 Envelope C6 295 Envelope C65 296 Envelope DL 297 Envelope Italy 298 Envelope Monarch 299 Envelope Personal 300 Custom 301 Portrait 302 Landscape 303 Continuous 304 New column 305 New page 306 Even page 307 Odd page 308 Top 309 Center 310 Justify 311 Bottom 312 Left 313 Top 314 Right 315 Gutter: %s in., Gutter position: %s 316 Line Numbering 317 Suppress endnotes 318 Two pages on one 319 Mirror Margins 320 Not Available 321 Inches 322 Centimeters 323 Millimeters 324 Points 325 Picas 326 Never 327 Always 328 When selected 329 Addin 330 CSV 331 CSVMac 332 CSVMSDOS 333 CSVWindows 334 DBF2 335 DBF3 336 DBF4 337 DIF 338 Excel2 339 Excel2FarEast 340 Excel3 341 Excel4 342 Excel5 343 Excel9795 344 Excel4Workbook 345 IntlAddIn 346 IntlMacro 347 WorkbookNormal 348 SYLK 349 CurrentPlatformText 350 TextMac 351 TextMSDOS 352 TextPrinter 353 TextWindows 354 WJ2WD1 355 WK1 356 WK1ALL 357 WK1FMT 358 WK3 359 WK4 360 WK3FM3 361 WKS 362 Works2FarEast 363 WQ1 364 WJ3 365 WJ3FJ3 366 Chart as window 367 Chart in place 368 Clipboard 369 Information 370 Workbook 371 Date 1904 372 Workbook is shared. Allows changes by more than one user. 373 Precision as displayed 374 Write Reserved by %s 375 Auto filter in use on active worksheet 376 View page breaks on active worksheet 377 Active sheet contains OLE objects 378 Active workbook contains charts 379 Active sheet contains charts 380 Active workbook contains published objects 381 Active window has panes frozen 382 Active window is split 383 Chart 384 Dialog 385 Excel4IntlMacro 386 Excel4Macro 387 Worksheet 388 Mixed 389 Auto 390 Percent 391 Center 392 At Least 393 Exactly 394 Word Document 395 Slide 396 Slide Master 397 Notes Page 398 Handout Master 399 Notes Master 400 Outline 401 Slide Sorter 402 Title Master 403 Normal 404 Microsoft Office Publisher 405 True 406 False 407 Slide Show 408 409 410 %0.1f 411 %0.2f 412 Administrator 413 Control Panel Device 414 Control Panel Startup 415 Cursor Library 416 Driver Manager 417 Localized Resource DLL 418 Unicode Cursor Library 419 None available 531 Microsoft Office Word 2003 is not available. Verify that Word 2003 is installed and running and then choose Refresh from the View or Action menu. 532 Microsoft Office Excel 2003 is not available. Verify that Excel 2003 is installed and running and then choose Refresh from the View or Action menu. 533 Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 is not available. Verify that PowerPoint 2003 is installed and running and then choose Refresh from the View or Action menu. 534 Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 is not available. Verify that Outlook 2003 is installed and running and then choose Refresh from the View or Action menu. 535 Microsoft Office Access 2003 is not available. Verify that Access 2003 is installed and running and then choose Refresh from the View or Action menu. 536 Microsoft Office Publisher 2003 is not available. Verify that Publisher 2003 is installed and running and then choose Refresh from the View or Action menu. 537 Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 is not available. Verify that FrontPage 2003 is installed and running and then choose Refresh from the View or Action menu. 539 No Jet Core Components found. 540 This value is not available unless Word is running. 541 This value is not available unless Excel is running. 542 This value is not available unless Powerpoint is running. 543 This value is not available unless Publisher is running. 544 This value is not available unless Access is running. 545 This value is not available unless FrontPage is running. 546 This value is not available unless Outlook is running. 547 No Com Addins found 548 Document is not yet saved 549 Number of Stories 550 Top Margin 551 Bottom Margin 552 Left Margin 553 Right Margin 554 Default Tab Stop 555 No ADO Core Components Found. 556 No RDO Core Components Found. 558 BidiOutline 559 AddressBlock 560 GreetingLine 580 MSIOFF PROPERTY PAGE NAME BUG THIS 581 MSIOFF PROPERTY PAGE CAPTION BUG THIS 1001 Apps 1002 Applications 1003 Word 1005 Application has not been started or is not installed. 1006 Item [Word, 200] 1007 Value [Word, 200] 1008 Application name 1009 %s 1010 Version 1011 Build 1012 Product ID 1013 Application path 1014 Language 1015 System language designation 1016 Active printer 1017 Documents open 1018 %d 1019 Document name 1020 Document path 1021 Document size 1022 Document create date 1023 %t 1024 Templates 1025 Template name 1026 Template path 1027 Template type 1028 Add-Ins 1029 Add-In name 1030 Add-In path 1031 Add-In loaded 1032 %b 1033 Add-In autoloaded 1034 WordActiveDocument 1035 Active Document 1036 Item [WordActiveDocument, 200] 1037 Value [WordActiveDocument, 200] 1038 Name 1039 Path 1040 Size 1041 Create date 1042 Author 1043 Last saved date 1044 Last author 1045 Template 1046 Characters 1047 Characters (with spaces) 1048 Words 1049 Lines 1050 Paragraphs 1051 Pages 1052 Sections 1053 View 1054 Allow fast saves 1055 Window position 1056 Left: %d, Top: %d 1057 Document contains 1058 Notable 1059 WordFields 1060 Fields 1061 Item [WordFields, 200] 1062 Value [WordFields, 200] 1063 Show field codes 1064 Update fields at print 1065 Update links at open 1066 Index: %d 1067 Type: %s 1068 Code 1069 Text 1070 Locked 1071 WordFileConverters 1072 File Converters 1073 Item [WordFileConverters, 200] 1074 Value [WordFileConverters, 200] 1075 Can open files 1076 Can save files 1077 Extensions 1078 WordFonts 1079 Fonts 1080 Item [WordFonts, 200] 1081 Value [WordFonts, 200] 1082 Embed TrueType fonts 1083 WordHeadersAndFooters 1084 Headers and Footers 1085 Item [WordHeadersAndFooters, 200] 1086 Value [WordHeadersAndFooters, 200] 1087 Section: %d 1088 Distance from edge, Header: %0.2f in., Footer: %0.2f in. 1089 Header 1090 Characters: %d, Linked to previous: %b 1091 Footer 1092 First header 1093 First footer 1094 Even header 1095 Even footer 1096 Odd header 1097 Odd footer 1098 WordHyperlinks 1099 Hyperlinks 1100 Item [WordHyperlinks, 200] 1101 Value [WordHyperlinks, 200] 1102 Target: %s 1103 Address 1104 Text to display 1105 Type 1106 Subaddress 1107 Screen tip 1108 Friendly name 1109 WordMailMerge 1110 Mail Merge 1111 Item [WordMailMerge, 200] 1112 Value [WordMailMerge, 200] 1113 Mail merge document 1114 Merge document type 1115 Merge to 1116 State 1117 Suppress blank lines 1118 View merge field codes 1119 Merge fields in document 1120 Data source 1121 Data source type 1122 Active record 1123 Available field names 1124 WordPageNumbers 1125 Page Numbers 1126 Item [WordPageNumbers, 200] 1127 Value [WordPageNumbers, 200] 1128 %d page numbers: %s 1129 Start number = %d, Restart = %b, Show first = %b 1130 WordPageSetup 1131 Page Setup 1132 Item [WordPageSetup, 200] 1133 Value [WordPageSetup, 200] 1134 Margins 1135 Top: %0.2f in., Bottom: %0.2f in., Left: %0.2f in., Right: %0.2f in. 1136 Paper size: %s 1137 Page height: %0.1f in., Page width: %0.1f in., Orientation: %s 1138 Section start 1139 Vertical alignment: %s 1140 Characters per line: %d, Lines per page: %d 1141 WordStyles 1142 Styles 1143 Item [WordStyles, 200] 1144 Value [WordStyles, 200] 1145 Autoformat as you type 1146 Define styles: %b 1147 Autoformat preserve styles 1148 Paragraph styles in use 1149 Name: %s 1150 Description: %s 1151 Base style: %s 1152 Next style: %s 1153 Built-in: %b 1154 No proofing: %b 1155 Automatically update: %b 1156 Character styles in use 1157 WordSettings 1158 Settings 1159 Item [WordSettings, 200] 1160 Value [WordSettings, 200] 1161 Allow background saves 1162 Allow drag and drop 1163 Always create backup 1164 Auto-hyphenation 1165 Auto-recover save interval 1166 %d minutes 1167 Background repagination 1168 Confirm conversions 1169 Default file path 1170 Default save format 1171 Display auto-complete tips 1172 Display horizontal scroll bars 1173 Display recent files 1174 %b, Entries: %d 1175 Display rulers 1176 Display screen tips 1177 Display scroll bars 1178 Display status bar 1179 Measurement units 1180 Minimum font size 1181 Overtype 1182 Print data only for forms 1183 Print postscript over text 1184 Print revisions 1185 Prompt for document properties 1186 Prompt to save Normal template 1187 Provide feedback with sound 1188 Save data only for forms 1189 Show all 1190 Show animated screen movements 1191 Show animation 1192 Show blue screen 1193 Show bookmarks 1194 Show document text 1195 Show drawings 1196 Show field shading 1197 Show hidden text 1198 Show highlight 1199 Show hyphens 1200 Show object anchors 1201 Show paragraph marks 1202 Show revisions 1203 Show space marks 1204 Show summary 1205 Show tab marks 1206 Show table gridlines 1207 Show text boundaries 1208 Tab & backspace indent 1209 Track revisions 1210 Typing replaces selection 1211 Use INS key for paste 1212 Use smart cut and paste 1213 Excel 1215 Item [Excel, 200] 1216 Value [Excel, 200] 1217 Workbooks 1218 Workbook name 1219 Workbook path 1220 Workbook size 1221 Workbook create date 1222 PowerPoint 1224 Item [PowerPoint, 200] 1225 Value [PowerPoint, 200] 1226 Presentations 1227 Presentation name 1228 Presentation path 1229 Presentation size 1230 Presentation create date 1231 Outlook 1233 Item [Outlook, 200] 1234 Value [Outlook, 200] 1235 Current user 1236 Current folder 1237 Current item 1238 Access 1240 Item [Access, 200] 1241 Value [Access, 200] 1242 Database name 1243 Database path 1244 Database size 1245 Database create date 1246 Available fonts 1247 Font name 1248 Format 1249 Active worksheet 1250 Active window type 1251 Active window zoom 1252 Sheets 1253 Cells in use 1254 Rows in use 1255 Columns in use 1256 [SEE STRING 1028] 1257 Installed 1258 Active chart 1259 Charts 1260 Tables in document 1261 Current table location 1262 Page: %d, Section: %d 1263 Rows 1264 Columns 1265 Allow page breaks 1266 Rows allow page breaks 1267 Auto resize to fit contents 1268 Cells auto resize to fit contents 1269 Nested level 1270 Tables inside this table 1271 Preferred width 1272 Type: %s, Width: %0.1f 1273 Default cell spacing 1274 Default cell margins 1275 Row alignment 1276 Row height rule 1277 Left indent 1278 Uniform 1279 Table 1280 Location 1281 Contains nested tables 1282 %d, Codes: %s 1283 WordTables 1284 Tables 1285 Item [WordTables, 200] 1286 Value [WordTables, 200] 1287 ExcelActiveWorkbook 1288 Active Workbook 1289 Item [ExcelActiveWorkbook, 200] 1290 Value [ExcelActiveWorkbook, 200] 1291 ExcelAddIns 1292 Item [ExcelAddIns, 200] 1293 Value [ExcelAddIns, 200] 1294 ExcelCharts 1295 Charts in Active Workbook 1296 Item [ExcelCharts, 200] 1297 Value [ExcelCharts, 200] 1298 PowerPointActivePresentation 1299 Active Presentation 1300 Item [PowerPointActivePresentation, 200] 1301 Value [PowerPointActivePresentation, 200] 1302 Slides 1303 Publisher 1305 Application is not installed. 1306 Item [Publisher, 200] 1307 Value [Publisher, 200] 1308 Registered owner 1309 Registered company 1310 Local package 1311 Date installed 1312 Application installed from 1313 Application last install source 1314 Comments (Admin) 1315 Contact (Admin) 1316 Readme (Admin) 1317 Help link (Admin) 1318 Product info site (Admin) 1319 Product update site (Admin) 1320 Estimated application size (Admin) 1321 Installer set to (default = 1) 1322 Sheet name 1323 Sheet type 1324 ADO version 1325 VBA version 1326 References 1327 Jet version 1328 ODBC version 1329 Project name 1330 Project path 1331 Project size 1332 Project create date 1333 SQL server name 1334 SQL database name 1335 SQL login name 1336 DBMS name 1337 DBMS version 1338 DSN name 1339 WordSummary 1340 Summary 1341 ExcelSummary 1342 PowerPointSummary 1343 OutlookSummary 1344 AccessSummary 1345 PublisherSummary 1346 AccessProviders 1347 OLE DB Providers 1348 Item [AccessProviders, 200] 1349 Value [AccessProviders, 200] 1356 FrontPage 1358 FrontPageSummary 1360 Item [FrontPage, 200] 1361 Value [FrontPage, 200] 1362 FrontPageActiveWeb 1363 Active Web 1364 Item [FrontPageActiveWeb, 200] 1365 Value [FrontPageActiveWeb, 200] 1366 Properties 1367 Page name 1368 Transport 1369 Themes 1370 FrontPageRunning 1371 Running 1372 FrontPageThemes 1373 Item [FrontPageThemes, 200] 1374 Value [FrontPageThemes, 200] 1375 Theme name 1376 FrontPageEnvironment 1377 Environment 1378 FrontPageOdbcDrivers 1379 ODBC Drivers 1380 Item [FrontPageOdbcDrivers, 200] 1381 Value [FrontPageOdbcDrivers, 200] 1382 FrontPageAddIns 1383 Item [FrontPageAddIns, 200] 1384 Value [FrontPageAddIns, 200] 1385 Program ID 1386 GUID 1387 %0.1f KB 1388 %0.1f in. 1389 %0.1f 1390 %d KB 1391 Distance from edge, Header: %d in., Footer: %d in. 1392 Top: %d in., Bottom: %d in., Left: %d in., Right: %d in. 1393 Page height: %d in., Page width: %d in., Orientation: %s 1394 Type: %s, Width: %d 1395 %d in. 1396 Web name 1397 Page count 1398 FrontPageActivePage 1399 Active Page 1400 Item [FrontPageActivePage, 200] 1401 Value [FrontPageActivePage, 200] 1402 COM Add-Ins 1403 Creator 1404 Number of themes 1405 Microsoft Office Environment 1406 WebConnectionError 1407 Last Web Connection Error 1409 Item [WebConnectionError, 200] 1410 Value [WebConnectionError, 200] 1411 Error message 1412 Date and time of error 1413 Additional information 1414 (see below) 1415 ServerExtensions 1416 Local Web Server Extensions 1417 The server 2000 extensions have not been installed 1418 Item [ServerExtensions, 200] 1419 Value [ServerExtensions, 200] 1420 Server type 1421 Port number 1422 Item [Transport, 200] 1423 Value [Transport, 200] 1424 Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Internet Publishing 1425 Microsoft Office Internet Publishing 1426 Odbc 1427 OdbcCoreComponents 1428 Core Components 1429 No ODBC components installed 1430 Item [OdbcCoreComponents, 200] 1431 Value [OdbcCoreComponents, 200] 1432 Description 1433 File 1434 OdbcDrivers 1435 Drivers 1436 No ODBC drivers installed 1437 Item [OdbcDrivers, 200] 1438 Value [OdbcDrivers, 200] 1439 Date 1440 OleDbProviders 1441 No OLE DB providers available 1442 Item [OleDbProviders, 200] 1443 Value [OleDbProviders, 200] 1444 Application path (Admin) 1445 %0.2f in. 1446 Apps11 1447 Office 11 Applications 1448 Word11 1449 Microsoft Office Word 2003 1450 WordSummary11 1451 Microsoft Office Word 2003 is not available. Verify that Word 2003 is installed and running and then choose Refresh from the View or Action menu. 1452 WordDefaultFileLocation11 1453 Default File Location 1454 WordStartupFolder11 1455 Startup Folder 1456 WordComAddIns11 1457 Item [WordComAddins, 200] 1458 Value [WordComAddins, 200] 1459 WordActiveDocument11 1460 WordFields11 1461 WordFileConverters11 1462 WordFonts11 1463 WordHeadersAndFooters11 1464 WordHyperlinks11 1465 WordMailMerge11 1466 WordPageNumbers11 1467 WordPageSetup11 1468 WordStyles11 1469 WordSettings11 1470 WordTables11 1471 %0.2f in.. 1472 Excel11 1473 Microsoft Office Excel 2003 1474 ExcelSummary11 1475 Microsoft Office Excel 2003 is not available. Verify that Excel 2003 is installed and running and then choose Refresh from the View or Action menu. 1476 ExcelComAddIns11 1477 Item [ExcelComAddins, 200] 1478 Value [ExcelComAddins, 200] 1479 ExcelActiveWorkbook11 1480 ExcelAddIns11 1481 ExcelCharts11 1482 PowerPoint11 1483 Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 1484 PowerPointSummary11 1485 Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 is not available. Verify that PowerPoint 2003 is installed and running and then choose Refresh from the View or Action menu. 1486 PowerPointActivePresentation11 1487 PowerPointComAddIns11 1488 Item [PowerPointComAddins, 200] 1489 Value [PowerPointComAddins, 200] 1490 PowerPointFonts11 1491 Item [PowerPointFonts, 200] 1492 Value [PowerPointFonts, 200] 1493 PowerPointHyperlinks11 1494 Item [PowerPointHyperlinks, 200] 1495 Value [PowerPointHyperlinks, 200] 1496 PowerPointTables11 1497 Item [PowerPointTables, 200] 1498 Value [PowerPointTables, 200] 1499 Outlook11 1500 Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 1501 OutlookSummary11 1502 Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 is not available. Verify that Outlook 2003 is installed and running and then choose Refresh from the View or Action menu. 1503 Application Path 1504 System Language 1505 Mail Support 1506 OutlookComAddIns11 1507 Item [OutlookComAddins, 200] 1508 Value [OutlookComAddins, 200] 1509 Access11 1510 Microsoft Office Access 2003 1511 AccessSummary11 1512 Microsoft Office Access 2003 is not available. Verify that Access 2003 is installed and running and then choose Refresh from the View or Action menu. 1513 AccessComAddIns11 1514 Item [AccessComAddins11, 200] 1515 Value [AccessComAddins11, 200] 1516 AccessComponents11 1517 Jet Core Components 1518 No Jet Core Components Installed 1519 Item [AccessJetCoreComponents, 200] 1520 Value [AccessJetCoreComponents, 200] 1521 Publisher11 1522 Microsoft Office Publisher 2003 1523 PublisherSummary11 1524 Microsoft Office Publisher 2003 is not available. Verify that Publisher 2003 is installed and running and then choose Refresh from the View or Action menu. 1525 System Language Designation 1526 ActivePrinter 1527 PublisherDocument11 1528 Creation Date 1529 Page Count 1530 Story Count 1531 Publisher11COMAddIns 1532 Item [Publisher11COMAddIns, 200] 1533 Value [Publisher11COMAddIns, 200] 1534 Publisher11PageSetup 1535 Item [Publisher11PageSetup, 200] 1536 Value [Publisher11PageSetup, 200] 1537 Top: %s, Bottom: %s, Left: %s, Right: %s 1538 Top Margin 1539 Bottom Margin 1540 Left Margin 1541 Right Margin 1542 FrontPage11 1543 Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 1544 FrontPageSummary11 1545 Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 is not available. Verify that FrontPage 2003 is installed and running and then choose Refresh from the View or Action menu. 1546 FrontPageActiveWeb11 1547 FrontPageActivePage11 1548 FrontPageAddIns11 1549 FrontPageThemes11 1550 Environment11 1551 Microsoft Office 11 Environment 1552 WebConnectionError11 1553 ServerExtensions11 1554 Transport11 1555 Odbc11 1556 OdbcCoreComponents11 1557 OdbcDrivers11 1558 OleDbProviders11 1559 JetCoreComponents11 1560 Item [JetCoreComponents, 200] 1561 Value [JetCoreComponents, 200] 1562 ADOCoreComponents11 1563 ADO Core Components 1564 No ADO Core Components Installed 1565 Item [ADOCoreComponents, 200] 1566 Value [ADOCoreComponents, 200] 1567 RDOCoreComponents11 1568 RDO Core Components 1569 No RDO Core Components Installed 1570 Item [RDOCoreComponents, 200] 1571 Value [RDOCoreComponents, 200] 1572 OfficeWatsonLog11 1573 Office Event/Application Fault 1574 No Office Event/Application Fault Entries in the Event Log 1575 Item [OfficeWatsonLog, 200] 1576 Value [OfficeWatsonLog, 200] 1577 Event 1578 Time 1579 No error messages have been generated. 1580 Bucket ID 1581 Application 1582 Module 1583 Module Version 1584 Office 2003 Applications 1585 Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 is not available. Verify that Powerpoint 2003 is installed and running and then choose Refresh from the View or Action menu. 1586 Microsoft Office 2003 Environment 1587 The server 2003 extensions have not been installed 1588 Language11 1589 Language settings not available 1590 Item [Language, 200] 1591 Value [Language, 200] 1592 UI Language 1593 Help Language 1594 Install Language 1595 SKU Language 1596 Web Locale 1597 Bucket Table 1598 Application Version 1599 Application Stamp 1600 Module Stamp 1601 Debug 1602 Offset